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Åke Parmerud | Jeu D'ombres | empreintes DIGITALes | 2003

While seeking inspiration and efficient methods to compose a more colorful and sophisticated piece for augmented muscle sounds, I started listening intensively to the work of Swedish composer and media artist Åke Parmerud.
Namely, Jeu D’ombres by Parmerud is an amazing piece of work, I can’t get enough of it. The piece Strings and Shadow, awarded at Prix Ars Electronica 2004, is a beautiful, precise and organic composition which seductively envelope the listener, submerging the hearing with exciting, glassy sonorities, and obscure, introspective moments of void and silence. The structure of the composition flows through one movement to the other with absolute ease, drawing a wide and unconstrained aural space, yet capable of describing a truly human intimacy. A similar, captivating experience can be recalled along the whole album.
Thanks to Martin Parker for pointing me to this music, listening to this sounds is truly inspiring for my own research and composition methods.