Hi there!
It has been a while since my last post.
Things have been rather hectic; I’ve been caught up among travels, the Xth Sense public release (!), concerts and writing.
At the moment I’m finishing up my MScR final dissertation.
A student interfacing the Xth Sense with SuperCollider.
I’ll update the blog with some new features that have been added to the XS software, more news about the project going live, etc.
By now I thought to wet a bit your appetites with a brief audiovisual report from last amazing concert in Berlin at LEAP, Lab for Electronic Arts and Performance.
The event was organized by the LEAP staff, with guest curator Joao Pais, in collaboration with Create Digital Music and eContact! journal for electroacoustic music research (for which I curated a forthcoming issue on Biotechnological Music Performance).
I taught an XS workshop with a wonderfully enthusiastic class, and played a couple of pieces for the XS, along with Peter Kirn, using a Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) device, and Claudia Robles Angel, controlling videos and sounds with her brainwaves.
We also had the chance to attend a talk by colleague and friend Pedro Lopes. An informative and clear conversation on Human-Computer Interaction with a consistent focus on biotechnologies.
Quite an exciting week!
A set of pictures can be found on Flickr.
Below you can listen to the live recording of the three concerts.